There is this girl I remember in school
always smiling, funny and cool
I sat behind her in class, where
she talks nonstop with the girl beside her
always getting scolded by the teacher
only to resume moments later
Happy, cheery and welcome that
she goes around in class and talks to everyone
ligthing up faces with her chit chat
ocassionally coming upto me and dropping a line
All I could speak to her was about last day's homework
at which she would give me the look
her hands busy copying from her friend's book
In the two years we had been together
I have never been able to make friends with her
But I won't forget the face
one that I would never miss in any place
always smiling, funny and cool
I sat behind her in class, where
she talks nonstop with the girl beside her
always getting scolded by the teacher
only to resume moments later
Happy, cheery and welcome that
she goes around in class and talks to everyone
ligthing up faces with her chit chat
ocassionally coming upto me and dropping a line
All I could speak to her was about last day's homework
at which she would give me the look
her hands busy copying from her friend's book
In the two years we had been together
I have never been able to make friends with her
But I won't forget the face
one that I would never miss in any place