Wednesday, April 12, 2023

The forgotten art of writing letters

Writing letters...I would say it's a dying art. It's sad the beauty of a well drafted hand written letter will not be available to the younger generation.
The only post we recieve nowadays are the bills and notices, i can't remember the last time I got a well crafted personal letter from anyone. There was a time when I would recieve beautiful long letters from my friends but it no longer exists. 
The world of texting, WhatsApp and other technologies have taken over our lives. I agree that it's real time, convenient and we can share more than just words. Express through photos and emoticons. But i still miss the beauty of a letter or a note that's complete with small gifts or the small hearts we drew before emoticons came.
I wish I could write to someone like before and they would reply to me in their new letterpad which smells like roses and is filled with love. Not a love for me alone but for the forgotten art of writing letters