Wednesday, December 05, 2007

My brother's marriage

Date- 3 dec,2007
Venue- Souparnika Auditorium, Engadyuir
Finally, a breathe of relief....the long awaited marriage is over...My sweet cute bro, Deepak got married to my sweet cute innocent friend Ramya...a perfect pair
Ok...the truth..this is a love marriage and i had known about this relation for the past 3 years but i couldn't tell anyone coz it was a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig secret...even M came to know about it later...that was a promise i had given my big bro and i kept my word...many people from our "family" came to me and asked if its a love marriage and we kept on denying it...only the old people of the "family" knew it was love marriage.
Now...its a big relief

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