Saturday, December 25, 2010

ITFOK 2010

The International Theatre Festival of Kerala 2010...has become a blimmer of the old self.
When this venture was started in 2008, there were loads and loads of issues...people held dharna and there were threats of picketing but all these issues were handled in a wonderful manner and the program never halted.
This year, there is a break for 2 days and lots of juggling around...nothing is as per schedule and no schedule is complete.
What a tragedy

Tribute to a veteran leader

Dec 23, 2010 will forever remain etched in the memories of many malayalees coz they lost a partriachal figure in politics, Mr K Karunakaran...a person who ruled or decided the rulers. There has been a lot of discussion in the past regarding his good or bad and what character dominates the most but whatever be the personal feelings many(just like conflicted feelings I have) he is a person who made Thrissur what it is today and he had major plans like an Airport which never succeeded due to other politicians...Long live his memory

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

2 movies and 1 exam- 05 Dec 2010

I got up at 6.30 am this sunday because of an exam which starts at 9am...and that too in a center near the market...after the movie, i had decided to catch up with a movie and my old roomie was waiting for me with a friend in Forum...she got us tickets for was awesome...also coz I have been a major Narnia fan...After the movie, we felt we need more fun but all the good movies in forum were fully we decided to go to Garuda there is a mubltiplex there also...we reached but...there only Harry Potter was the good movie playing and the tickets were completly booked...well thats the case all over Bangalore for HP7...but our friend being a good person in marketing managed to get 3 tickets and we saw the 2nd movie of the was simply great.
The exam...well... as my friend told " you proved yourself that you are eligible to write the exam once more"

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

The first quarter

The first quarter of my life is coming to an end officially on Dec 24th...I was thinking about writing a book on the would be interesting (to me)...25 years on this earth