Friday, December 30, 2016

The questions

As you reach a particular age, there are certain milestones to be achieved like age 15-10th Std and then for that year, all you hear is study well and once exams are over, how much did you get?
So, this story continues in everyone's life and for the fairer sex, the question never ends but it leads to a situation where we start avoiding any public gathering. For me, personally, it started from a very small age because I was always well built compared to other people in my family and definitely the darkest of all siblings. And the constant companion in my life became my inferiority complex.
I broke all that and started my personal secluded life and yes the question turned to- why are you alone? Don't you need a life partner? Someone to love you, pamper you and take care of you and my answer was- no thank you I am self-sufficient. Even today I say the same... I am happy alone and I have formed so many habits living alone that I might find it difficult to adjust to another person in my personal space.
And then there is the other reason too, you see I am a dreamer and I have sooo many ideas and concepts about my ideal man that I doubt 1) if he really exists 2) if I can love someone else

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

The fear...

There is a exerting pain
Not in my heart
But somewhere deep inside
It's a fear so embedded
A fear that I might not forget
The person I never met
It's a fear that I might never love
Like I have loved that man
The pain when I hear a familiar song
And when I see his profile pics change
It's eating me alive and
I Have no more tears to  shed
It was indeed a relation very rare
And a feeling undisclosed to all
He shall forever rule my head
And I shall wait for his return

Monday, December 26, 2016

Four friends

One was filled with patience
To nurture and to love.
The next was filled with emotion
To the weakest and to the poor.
The third was a bit moody
With hidden pain and feelings too shy
Then came the disaster
Ever ready for a jokes and pranks
The four were tied by a delicate thread
Invisible and invincible
They treasured their f'ship even with distance
And promised to stay connected
With simple good nights and good mornings
Coz all were in each others thoughts and prayers;
They were meant to be always
Coz they shared their laughter and their worst fears.

Sunday, December 25, 2016


It's Christmas, it's Sunday and what do I do? I sit in front of the idiot box for 12 hrs and enjoy. Later I cook a simply dinner of aloo parata and curd. It was indeed a peaceful day

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Dec 24,2016

I am 32 today and my achievements so far? Nothing


Nov 8, 2016 was a revolutionary day in the history of India. Our Hon.PM made a public announcement leaving the country shocked. I still remember the first call I got regarding this, from my mom. I told they are referring to pre-2005 notes since that mission has been on a for a long time but she insisted that it is not so. I didn't believe and then I saw a post regarding the same on Facebook and I decided to change the channel from music to news and yes...all hell had broke loose.
Nov 9 and many days after that the country was in total confusion, rage and temper was on peak high. Rules made and changed trying to meet the requirements to many. People were stranded without money and the banks...well let's not talk about the banks and bankers coz nobody bothered to understand the situation they were in anyways. Public thought bankers are like ATMs, they can function 24*7 without any break and rest and they actually forgot bankers are humans too.
The only people who thought of them as humans are the family members of the few lucky ones who got to go home. The media showed the chaos amongst the public but never showed the tension and confusion of the bankers and what are the rules, strategies and adjustments being done by them to attend to maximum customera with the cash they have in stock coz trust me banks were also not warned and were equally taken by surprise.
Bankers worked continuously for 13 days and no praise to them. We cracked our heads on the tension and chaos and crowd management. In the evening we cracked our heads on the shortage across the counters and the loss we had a personal end. Still, nobody cared. People came and asked for change, but from where do we give when we are ourselves not supplied with any change.
Rules kept changing but it's us at the receiving end from the customers. How to explain to them the continuous change and the reason they can't have as much money as they want.
Yes, the public are waiting, patiently, for the change they were promised, for the black money that will be brought out and the people who will have to justify their income.
How much will be delivered?

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Movie of 2016

There has been some good movies in 2016 but I would say the best were pink and dear zindagi. After Queen, I think these two movies are very much female oriented. While pink was a serious movie about the judgemental attitude of society towards modern, independent females, dear zindagi was a simple movie without any drama and in a very simple way it also dealt with the same topic. The judgmental attitude of society towards females, the way they lead a simple life and date before settling down. I think these were beautiful movies but change in society, well that won't happen fast and

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Walking in the rain...!!!

I can't feel the dead cold shiver
It seems it's been forever
I've made friends with this pain
I am walking in the rain...!!!
The rain drops hide my tears
And I am smiling for my peers
They should never know what lies inside
There is nothing these eyes cannot hide
I don't know what keeps me sane
I am just walking in the rain...!!!