Friday, January 25, 2019

Hold you near

I dont like my life without you
It like the morning sky without blue
Its like having coffee without cream
Or like having life without a dream
I dont like not having your hand to touch
And i no longer know what to clutch
When my legs start shivering
And my vision starts blurring
When i need your shoulder the most
Its no longer available at any cost
I dont know where to go from here
But wherever i go, i shall hold you near

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Are you happy?

"Are you happy?"
Its an important question that we should ask everyone we meet...why cant it replace "how are you?" Or "how do you do?"

Its a simple question we should ask ourselves when we are doing any work. And if the answer is no just stop doing it.

Dont you think the world will be lighter, friendlier and definitely happier if all the things that we involve ourselves in are things that make us happy

Tuesday, January 15, 2019


The notion that changes are inevitable is sometimes just a cliche to protect the change you might have undergone unaware but necessary.
But then there are these moments or things which makes you wish these changes had not happened.
I wish, for example, there was less importance to mobile phones. But even as i write it, i realise i am updating this through my mobile. So, yes, it can and it has replaced a landline/ letter/ telegram and a desktop/ laptop. But is it a necessity?
I think the concept of a need and a want is thinning with changes that are happening around us.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

I miss you Appa

I dont know why you had to leave
I was never prepared
Your life was cut short
My heart was broken
I saw the soul leave you
I heard you call out to me
But in a few moments
You became a lifeless body
I put you in a mortuary
And worried if you will be cold
You made me promise i shall not leave
And i took you home with me
Our final journey together
But i wish i could turn time around
And tell you not to leave me alone
I am stranded, frightened and worried
For i shall never be strong again
I have no life left in me
I think it was taken with your soul
I tried my best, Appa
I hope you do know that
I gave you a kiss
I held your hand
I touched your feet
I brushed your hair
But its your soul i miss
And the time we shared
I miss you
I miss you
I miss you