Monday, October 14, 2019

Random thoughts

A few days ago when i was travelling by bus i has the most common experience related to travelling in bus in Kerala- touching and groping. I was angry( obviously) that they cant leave me alone ...a lady with lots of white hair. Then a thought crossed my unlucky we females are and maybe comparetively on this topic even the prostitutes are luckier. Their permission is sought before being touched & if they say " no" it is a NO. many ladies in many households must be suffering from their "NO"s being ridiculed & seen as an inspiration to do further harm. The world is filled with men who are sadists & only interested in being macho. The sadomachoism spoken by Paulo Coelho is very much evident in the so called modern men who are raised with the best of the etiquettes. Sadly, these men are also raised by females who have been oppressed and have had their share of suffering. Still they instill the same thought in these boys when they grow up....i can do whatever i want coz im a male. I wish the world was designed in such a way that every household has a boy & a girl child so that they are both aware of eachother's gender and attitudes

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