Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I was having one of those hectic days today when my friend came online...there are moments in life when u badly wish to have a person who can understand u....understand the simple unlogic behind hecticness of no work...a hecticness where there is a lot of wandering around and there is a lot of forgetfulness...a hectic life where you just wish you could sit for atleast a minute but some work surely comes up...nowadays my mornings have been filled with this and more....
then i logged into gtalk and i saw a li'l ping....my friend was online...its no wonder coz she is online from work...then she says those magical words "i miss u...wish to c u" and my heart stops for a moment...even i have been feeling like that for a long time...just to sit with her, have a cup of coffee and talk about the stupidness and meaninglessness of life. I wish I had friends like that... Now, I am not a person who doesn't have friends but these kind of people are really special...
I guess its right when people say " the more you grow older, the more we wish to have people whom we have known for a long time"...i guess, sometimes in our youth we reach that stage where we behave and think like old people...now is it just my stress talking or my un-counscious subconscious mind!!!

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